Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Little Cleaner

If you know me very well, you know that I love a clean, picked-up house.  Not really sure where this came from as my mom and dad will both tell you I didn't inherit it from either of them.  So, I work really hard every day trying to keep a house with 3 boys (yes, 3...Aaron included...HA!!) picked-up and clean.  It's really not that hard to do if I just take a little time every day to do something.  That way it doesn't all pile up and have tons to do at one time. 

I have my quirks like having my silverware organized in the dishwasher for faster unloading of the dishwasher, clean shower doors (we have glass doors), I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE lines in the carpet after I finish vacuuming, the bottom part of the potty next to the floor and the top of the water tank, not just the seat, has to be cleaned weekly (I can't stand to see dust and stuff on it...double YUCK!!) and I'm crazy about the way I fold laundry... it has to be neat.  I can't help it.  It's the perfectionist in me coming out.  I don't function well in an untidy, unclean home.  Quite honestly, it stresses me out and a crazy woman comes out until I get it cleaned up. 

Well, I'm working really hard to have Connor and Blake be neat.  As I've written before, they have certain things they have to do during the day...picking up toys, putting laundry in laundry basket, Connor makes his bed, etc.  Well, apparently my need for a clean shower has rubbed off on Blake.  This is what I walked into when I went to check on Blake as he was taking a shower in my shower.

I just laughed.  He had his little wash cloth just scrubbing and scrubbing on those doors.  He was so proud of the work he'd done.  Oh, and yes, the doors are fogged up.  This is not soap scum.  Yuck!  :) 

1 comment:

  1. O that cutie boy look really happy behind the shower doors. Although you blog is nice. I like it.
