Monday, February 28, 2011

Craft Time

A few days ago, Connor asked to have his arts and craft box brought downstairs so he could do some crafts.  Unfortunately, I didn't take any picture of his "Pirate telescope" that he made and painted but here are the boys doing some stamping and stickers.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

First Eggs

The boys had their first Easter eggs on Tuesday for a surprise snack.  It was a Reece's peanut butter egg.  A great surprise for the boys.  I think saying they enjoyed it was an understatement...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I'm Amazed by You!

Sorry it has been forever.  I've just not taken the time to sit down and write a post.  But, I must share this...

Blake has continued to just amaze us with his knowledge.  He is just 28 months old, but he already knows all of his colors (Connor wouldn't tell us his colors until he was 3), shapes and animals (more than just the basic dog, cat, pig, etc).  Today, we were watching Team Umizoomi.  On the show they were underwater seeing different shapes.  They would ask what shape something was and then give several seconds for response.  Blake would answer every time AND HE WAS RIGHT!  Not only did he know the basic square, circle, triangle he also knew oval and crescent!  I about fell over!  He just continues to amaze me every day. 

Another new thing he says is "___ is my favorites!"  For example "Purple is my favorites" (then change it to every other color right after that).  So funny.  Another funny thing is him saying "I love it my __" Which could be anything from "I love it my Uncle Ronnie" to "I love it my candy!"  He seems to "love it" everything and have a "favorites" everything.    When he doesn't want to do something he'll say "I don't yike (like) it" even if it is his one of his "favorites". 

He is just growing up way too fast for me!  Boy does my heart just smile!!