Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday Fun

Today has turned into somewhat of a mirror image of yesterday.  Don't worry, hopefully this blog won't be.  We did get up and going fairly early so that Connor could make it to his swimming lesson at 8:15.  One funny story from swimming lessons.  During lessons, Amy put a weighted letter on the bottom of the pool for him to go after.  You will probably remember from an earlier post that he's very good at this, and it happens to be one of his favorite parts of lessons.  So, today Amy put the letter on the bottom of the pool, and he would go after it, drop it and come back up to the top.  This cycle continued and continued.  Occasionally he could come up with the letter.  I thought this was very strange considering how good he had done previously in the 4 feet area and this was the 3 feet area.  Once lessons was over and he was showering and trying to convince me to let him stay in the shower for 30 minutes, the truth finally came out.  "Mom, you know why I couldn't get those letters to the top of the water?  I kept dropping them on purpose so that I could keep going under water over and over again!"  Can you believe that?  That little booger!  Like Amy wouldn't have let him keep doing it anyways. 

When I went to pick up Blake from YPlay upstairs I noticed I had gotten a text asking if we would like to meet a different friend at a different church playground to play.  Of course Connor was tickled and wanted to go.  We had to get some groceries first and straighten the house a little first.  So, I convinced Connor to do a lot of the housework for me so that we could get it done faster and head over to the church even faster.  He did a pretty good job.  So, pretty much like yesterday we went over there to play and eat lunch, come home, shower and throw them in the bed again for a nap.

Here are a couple of pictures I got at the playground.  This bag of popcorn tasting puffs were a major hit with all the kids (Thanks, Summer!)  At first Annie was feeding them to Blake (what a little mother...and there are only 8 weeks difference in them!  HA!) until he bit her finger as she was putting a puff in his mouth.  Too bad I didn't teach her that trick that we have all learned about getting our fingers out of the way FAST!  He means serious business when it comes to food. Then Connor started feeding the 2 little ones.  The kids has a fantastic time.    

 Have a great Easter weekend and remember the true meaning of this wonderful holiday.  Jesus died for my sins and your sins and rose on the third day!  Praise the Lord!!

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