Yesterday was a fun and exciting day for the three of us. Connor, Blake and I started our morning a little bit earlier Thursday morning in preparation of our zoo trip with Connor's kindergarten class. I dropped Connor off and school and then scurried on my way to the zoo town. We get our car maintenance done there since we don't have a Mazda dealership here. So, I left earlier so I could drop off my car to get its 120,000 (yes, can you believe we've put so many miles on our car??) tune-up. Thankfully, the dealership is only about 10 minutes from the zoo.
Once we got it dropped off and into the loaner car (and a quick trip BACK to the dealership to get our stroller out of our trunk) we headed out to the zoo. My wonderful cousin, Monica, met us there. We had the best time, along with tons and tons of other schools that decided it was a great day for a zoo trip. In a few days I'll update this post with some pictures. I had to take our old camera to the zoo (I'll also explain this after Sunday) and now I can't find the cord for it to download the pictures! But, alas, we had a great time. We were all worn out!!
I figured Blake would sleep the entire way home, but unfortunately he decided to fall asleep about 5 minutes before we got home (it takes about an hour and 15 minutes to get home). It was already 5:00 by this time and really didn't want him to sleep long, so I just put him on the couch with no blanket thinking this would keep him from sleeping very long. Sweet Connor came upstairs and said "Awww, isn't he so cute when he sleeps on the couch! Want me to get a blanket to cover him up?" So, I had to explain my plan to Connor. And, as I anticipated, he didn't sleep very long, only about 30 minutes.
We spent the rest of the evening eating supper, Connor making a card for me (because I had a terrible headache), Connor and myself playing Kerplunk (Toy Story style...with aliens instead of marbles inside), bath time and reading. By 7:00 I was ready for everyone to be in bed, but it didn't work that way. But, I did get Connor into bed shortly after 7:30. Then, Blake and I watched a couple of cartoons, I put Blake to bed, and I crashed on the couch at 8:30 and slept hard until 6:15!!! Just what I needed. I so rarely get into a good deep sleep and stay that way all night, but I did last night.
Hopefully Monday or Tuesday I'll be able to update with zoo pictures. Could be interesting. Connor played the role of zoo photographer for the day. I was only able to get 4 pictures...2 of Connor and Monica and 2 of Blake and Monica.
Chicken Bacon Ranch Baked Subs
19 minutes ago
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