What a rainy, yucky day. What a perfect day to do a spin class at the Y, come home and clean and read books to Blake, pick up Connor from school, then read books to Connor and order pizza in.
As you know, both of my kids LOVE to read. Blake and I read so many books this morning. Then when I picked up Connor from school he told me his new Scholastic books had come in. So, after he got up from a nap, we read several of them plus his new library book "Are You My Mother?" Connor read one of them to me too. He is doing so good reading. What quality time!!
Blake was still in bed while I was reading "Are You My Mother?" to Connor. Well, I thought he was asleep but apparently he was eaves dropping in on me reading to Connor. When I got him out of the bed, he came running into the living room saying "Read Mother book." Wow! What ears!
So, after we got finished eating, Blake asked me to read that book to him. We were laying in the floor on our bellies reading. I just love seeing his little face propped up with his hands. Too cute!! We get to the part where the mother bird is pulling a worm out of the ground for her baby and Blake said "Blakey not eat worms. Blakey put them in his hands. I not eat worms." Glad to know that. I'll mark that off my list of things to discuss with him. Then when the book is over (all 64 pages of it! I can't believe my almost 2 1/2 year old will sit through that length of book!!!) Blake says "I am bird." and then plants the biggest hug on me ever!
Oh, and I forgot to mention that when our pizza arrived, I opened the box and Blake informs me (while he is still on the floor, not in view of the pizza) that the pizza slice is in the shape of a triangle! Then, of course, he had to see the pizza. I put him up on the counter and he sees the green pepper they put in the box and exclaims "Look! A pepper!" Where did that come from? I don't buy peppers. Who knows. He just amazes me everyday with his knowledge.
Now they are snuggled under the quilt watching a show. I just love these guys!! (Phone picture...sorry such terrible quality.)
Chicken Bacon Ranch Baked Subs
39 minutes ago
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