What a great Good Friday we have had. Of course, Connor was out of school. We started our morning off with my usual Friday spinning class at the Y. Once we got back home I did a little housework and then we headed to pick Aaron up for lunch at Chick-fil-a. We hadn't been there in a long time with Aaron. I sure did want a big nasty chicken sandwich with french fries and lots of ketchup, but I resisted and settled for the chicken and fruit salad, which was amazing (and I'm not really even a salad eater!).
Tonight we decided to go to Logan's to eat. But, on our way we noticed that my favorite restaurant, Cheddar's, didn't have a completely full parking lot, so we headed there instead. It is the busiest place EVER!! We got there at 5:15 and still waited for a while. But, it was such a beautiful day and they had their patio area open for waiting. So, we went out there and let the boys throw rocks into the fountain.
We had a GREAT supper. I just love their vegetable plate with chicken tortilla soup!! AMAZING!!! I wish I could buy that soup by the gallon and keep in my freezer. Aaron loves their chicken tenders platter, buffalo style and the boys get the typical chicken tenders and fries. They always split because they aren't big eaters. AND we still brought food home!
After church on Sunday we've been invited to our adoptive parent's house for lunch. This has been a tradition for many years (way before kids). It is always wonderful. She invites one of our ministers over plus his daughter and their family. Brenda usually has Easter surprises for the kids and then an egg hunt in their backyard. This year Aaron has decided to make one of his famous cakes. So, he is in the process of making an Easter basket with eggs in it. Here are the boys helping me mix the cake.
And, to end the night, we are attempting to move Blake to Connor's room. We did this a few months ago, but quite honestly, I got tired of laying in the bed with him until he feel asleep. So, we had a talk about not talking or giggling once they were both in bed. Connor has a bunk bed, so last time they would just giggle and talk too. So far, so good. They've been in there about 45 minutes and I haven't heard a word. So, our next project will be to take apart the crib and make a playroom out of Blake's room. That should be fun!!
Chicken Bacon Ranch Baked Subs
44 minutes ago
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