Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Busy Day

Tuesday was my very long day since I had to start my morning at 3:40.  I was tired during the day but, I made the best of it.  The kindergarteners were released from school early because the upcoming kindergarteners registered for school.  So, Connor got to spend extra time at home.  He loves to play with legos and is very good with following directions to put big creations together.

And, the finished product...

We picked up Blake from MDO, headed back home to prep some food for some friends that I was making supper for (they just had a baby) and then headed out to the Y for Connor's swimming lessons.  He is doing so good.  These were the first lessons he's had since we stopped them back at the end of Sept.  I wondered if he would still remember what he learned yesterday.  And, of course, he did remember.  There are 5 in his class this time.  Once we were finished there we rushed back home so I could finish supper for our friends, took it to them and back home to eat our supper.

We kept the TV off tonight, so the boys had a great time just playing.  Connor worked on a worksheet that he didn't get to do at school when he was sick last week and Blake enjoyed playing with the Batman Cave.  Connor got it for Christmas a couple of years ago and it has gotten so much use from both of the boys.  They just love it.

Aaron had a meeting at church, so I got both kids to bed and then settled in for my favorite show...Biggest Loser!  Unfortunately, I fell asleep with about 15 minutes left and had to finish watching it online.  Great day!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like most of my days :) Love the lego creation -- he *is* good. You forgot to mention that you got a workout in too! And thanks for the tip about being careful to watch for birds before opening the door. . .I would never have thought of that!
