And, the finished product...
We picked up Blake from MDO, headed back home to prep some food for some friends that I was making supper for (they just had a baby) and then headed out to the Y for Connor's swimming lessons. He is doing so good. These were the first lessons he's had since we stopped them back at the end of Sept. I wondered if he would still remember what he learned yesterday. And, of course, he did remember. There are 5 in his class this time. Once we were finished there we rushed back home so I could finish supper for our friends, took it to them and back home to eat our supper.
We kept the TV off tonight, so the boys had a great time just playing. Connor worked on a worksheet that he didn't get to do at school when he was sick last week and Blake enjoyed playing with the Batman Cave. Connor got it for Christmas a couple of years ago and it has gotten so much use from both of the boys. They just love it.
Aaron had a meeting at church, so I got both kids to bed and then settled in for my favorite show...Biggest Loser! Unfortunately, I fell asleep with about 15 minutes left and had to finish watching it online. Great day!!
Sounds like most of my days :) Love the lego creation -- he *is* good. You forgot to mention that you got a workout in too! And thanks for the tip about being careful to watch for birds before opening the door. . .I would never have thought of that!