Take Cover is exactly what we did! As you know, storms and I DO NOT get along at all. I haven't been traumatized by a storm in the past to cause this, I just get all worked up over them. At this moment as I write this blog, I am exhausted! I feel like I could go to bed now and sleep forever. And, I'm sure it's just because I got all worked up over the tornado that was supposedly coming through our area. I had the boys down for a nap, waiting to see if the storm was going to hold together enough to still cause a tornado warning. And, unfortunately, it did. I got Connor up first and let him stay up with me while I watched the news and waited until (what I thought was) the last minute. Then, I got Blake up. The tornado was still several miles away, so I continued to wait to get in the safe place. During this time Blake keeps saying "Please, Blakey back in bed!" over and over. It was pitiful. Well, he'd had enough. He jumped up out of my lap, ran to his room and climbed back into bed. The cutest thing ever.
But, we didn't have time for games. I grabbed him up and we headed downstairs to the coat closet. We've never had to utilize the coat closet as a safe place until today. We ended up staying in there for almost 45 minutes. Two different times I heard the wind get so bad. I just knew something was going to happen. My heart was pounding out of my chest. I was scared to death. I just prayed and prayed. Connor said a sweet little prayer. Finally, Jill called me to say that we'd been given the all clear. Boy am I glad that is all over. Here is a picture I snapped with my phone (hence the terrible quality). Connor is still tucked down but you can see Blake.
On a much lighter note...
What happens when you let your 2 year old have Skittles? This...
As I walked by the bowl that I had given Blake with a few Skittles in it, I reached in to grab one. YUCK! They were slightly wet and sticky!! I wasn't really sure why this was until a few minutes later when I saw Blake pick up the bowl, put his lips on it and started to eat the Skittles like he would the remaining bit of cereal! Again, YUCK!! So, that is why he ended up with such a dirty little face. And, that is what kept me from eating the Skittles that I didn't need to be eating anyway! :)
After the whole tornado issue was over, the boys wanted to watch a movie. It happened to be an old VCR tape, so they had to watch it in our bedroom. Here they are enjoying The Return of Jafar.
What a roller coaster day!
Chicken Bacon Ranch Baked Subs
44 minutes ago
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