I've been thinking a lot here lately about making up my mind and just potty training Blake. I know a lot of getting him trained just has to do with me being ready to just do it! It was that way with Connor. Once I made up my mind that no more diapers were going on him, it was a piece of cake! I regretted not doing it 9 months earlier, especially since he would eagerly sit on the potty and go whenever I would ask him. He just wouldn't go on his own to the potty.
So, today as I started getting Blake ready, I had a diaper ready and then decided since I knew we weren't going anywhere today we would just give this the best shot ever. And, boy am I glad I did. It is now almost 9:00 and we haven't even gotten close to an accident. The first half of the day he went naked. I put a towel down on the couch for when he sat down. It went so smoothly! Then after naptime he decided he wanted to wear his underwear. I was afraid it was because he wanted to do #2. So, I kept a close eye on him and he's done great! He did tell me one time he was going to Connor's room to play which translates into "I'm going to poop." So, I told him we were going to do that only in the potty now. So we went there and tried but weren't successful. But, he'll get it. I'm not worried or concerned at all. I'm even going to try no pull-ups except at night for the first couple of nights. Connor did so much better when we didn't use pull-ups. That's just a crutch for them to get lazy. So, we'll see how tonight goes. I'm going to try to get up in the middle of the night to take him so that maybe even the pull-up will be dry in the morning. But, I've beem battling some serious allergies today and am planning on taking a night time medicine. So, who knows if I'll wake up during the night. But, I'm going to try.
Hopefully tomorrow will be just as successful as today. We'll be at church, so that should be the test.
Loaded Tater Tot Cups
11 hours ago