Saturday, November 6, 2010

Halloween Fun

This year the boys had such a great time trick-or-treating.  We didn't really think Blake would be that "in" to it, but we were wrong.  The plan was to do our usual routine...walk to Jill and Aaron's house where we all gather and then do our neighborhood.  Then, Aaron and Connor would go to a neighboring neighborhood and to a trunk-or-treat at a church across the street.  Well, Blake decided he wanted to go.  So, the three guys went trick-or-treating and I stayed to man the house.  We always have tons and tons of trick-or-treaters.  It is so much fun.  I never had that experience when I was growing up because we lived out in the middle of nowhere and we probably had 10 trick-or-treaters the entire 21 years that I lived at home.  Boy did we have tons.  We bought 780 pieces of candy and gave out all of it, turned out our lights and people were still going through the neighborhood for probably 30-45 more minutes. (Yes, we limit the candy for our trick-or-treaters...2 pieces unless we know you)

Once Blake and Connor got back home they helped with the passing out.  Blake had the best time.  If a scary trick-or-treater came up he would say "Scary, Scary." and just laugh.  Nothing scared him the entire night...not even our neighbors that were dressed up (I thnk as vampires if I remember correctly) passing out candy.  Here are the highlights from the night.

Tigger and Iron Man

My buddies and myself

Walking to Jill's house

One of the houses in our neighborhood

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