Connor had a dentist appointment in the afternoon. He is always so great at his appointments. I am so blessed with two kids who do not pitch fits at doctor's appointments, haircuts, etc. They are both so good and know exactly when it is important to just chill out and just deal with the situation. Here are two pictures of Connor at the dentist office.
When the dental hygienist turned on the light, Connor squinted his eyes. She asked if it was too bright and he said yes. So, she went and got him some sunglasses!
Time for the floride treatment.
For the past two months, we've been having to give Blake iron supplements because his iron level has been at the lower end of normal. He's been checked twice since April, and yesterday we had to go get the iron checked again. Once we got to the doctor's office, the doctor decided she'd rather get even better results than their machine gives, so she sent us to the hospital to have blood drawn there. When we first got there the lady at the front desk immediately called back to the nurse and told her she had a 20 month old and to call for back-up. Of course, I immediately think "This is so not going to be necessary!" The nurse came in to see what kind of bloodwork we needed and cancelled the back-up. She informed me that she was just going to prick his finger to get the blood. She said it would take longer than a needle in the arm but he would probably do better with just a finger prick. So, we proceeded on with the finger prick. By the time she had gotten all the blood she needed (which did take some time just because he started clotting fairly fast), the blood in the vile had started clotting! So, all that hard work for nothing! Blake was so good the entire time. When his blood stop flowing as easily, she pressed on his finger a little harder and he said "ouch" in a very quiet voice. That was the extent of him getting upset. So, since the blood started clotting in the vile, she had to do a needle in the arm. So, at this point she did call for back-up just told hold his arm for her as she inserted the needle. I was a little concerned that this might get ugly. But, Blake proved us wrong! He did flinch a little when she first inserted the needle and he put out that sad puppy dog lip, but he NEVER cried or said ouch or anything! It was amazing. The nurses were so amazed at how well he did. Here are a couple of pictures of his battle wound.
Sporting his blue bandage
As if he is telling me "See, here it is."
So, we are waiting for the test results right now. The nurse told me that our doctor would get the results last night. So, hopefully we'll know something very soon.
Aaron is off work today because he has a major project he is working on on Monday. So, we're all hanging out together today (minus that hour I'll be at boot camp). I love days like this. I'm sure we'll have several heart-smiling times today!
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