Sorry it has been a while. I haven't been able to come up with a good blog lately. Since the last blog we have made a fast trip back to where we are from (which is a 3 1/2 hour trip) for a family reunion. From leaving our drive-way to pulling back in our drive-way was about 26 hours. That is a very fast trip for us. But, we haven't been to the family reunion in 2 years, so we thought we better go. It was good to see family that we rarely see which included a cousin (actually my dad's 1st cousin) who lives in Africa. She actually spoke about her mission work in Africa which was amazing. I wish she had spoken for longer. Once the reunion was over, we hopped in the car and went to see my grandparent's new place. Actually, a little over a month ago, the family decided that they needed to go into an assisted living facility. I think it has been good for them. So, we went and checked out their new place. I had told Connor that Gramps and Granny had moved to a new house. Well, I didn't exactly tell him that other people lived there too. So, when we pulled up, Connor says "Wow, this house is bigger than their last house. And, it is bigger than our house!" So, I had to explain that several families lived there. It is such a nice place. I'm glad we were able to get them into this place instead of a nursing home.
Today, Connor and I left Blake at Mother's Day Out at the church and then met other people at the church to head to a pool in a town about 45 minutes away. It is the city pool there but it has slides and lots of cool stuff. We had a great time. About half way there I realized I had forgotten my camera. I hate that because I was hoping for some great pictures for a future blog. Oh, well. I'm planning to go to the neighbor's pool on Thursday. I'll try to get some great pictures then.
As I was typing this, Blake ran up to me and started saying "Potty, Potty, Potty," So, that reminded me of something else I had planned on telling you. Blake now loves to hang out on the potty. Nothing has ever happened (except for the one time that I think we just got lucky as I was putting him up there). But, at least he is interested. Now when I go in there with him, he won't let me hold on to him. He pushes away my arms and says "No, no, no!!" Then he tells me "Sit, sit, sit." So, I sit on Connor's little stool and just wait patiently as he jabbers. I'm hoping sometime soon he realizes why he is suppose to sit up there. I know he is still young, but I'm sure not going to stop him from going and sitting up there. Who knows. I might get lucky and get him potty trained sooner than I did Connor.
Blake is also repeating absolutely everything that we say. As I was reviewing sight words with Connor in the car, Blake repeated everything Connor said. While I was waiting patiently on the stool earlier in this blog, he pointed to my hair and said "hair". Same thing with eyes, nose, mouth, ear. He talks all the time as well as showing his not yet 2 year old little self. Yes, the Terrible Twos have arrived I do believe. He even threw one of his little fits at church Sunday night. One of the workers just asked if he wanted her to rock him (as he was sad that we had left him) and he threw himself down on the ground and pitched a little fit. He does this when he doesn't get his way on just about anything. We can even just look at him and if he doesn't want you to look at him at that very moment...get ready. He's going to pitch a fit. I had hoped to get a picture of these fits, but I've not been able to get the camera ready for the action fast enough. Maybe I can sometime. Although we don't laugh out loud, they are pretty funny.
Well, must go for now. My favorite Summer meal is calling my name...grilled salmon, squash and roasted potatoes. We have this every week now. Yum, Yum!!!
Loaded Tater Tot Cups
11 hours ago
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