We have been having a little trouble keeping Blake in his highchair at meal time. He was constantly wanting to get up while we were eating and sit with either Aaron or myself. So, I decided maybe he just wanted to sit at the big table with the rest of us. We have a little booster seat that I thought we'd try out in one of the chairs. He LOVES sitting in that chair. He wants to sit there for snacks and just to sit. He does so well with it. Here is a picture of him sitting in his new seat. Funny story. I made Chicken Florentine a few weeks ago. Connor loved the chicken out of it but not the spinach. Blake loved the spinach but not the chicken. So, we did a little trade off between the two of them. We had a lot left over, so I froze it and we ate it again last night. This is Blake eating Chicken Florentine. This time he ate every part of it. We found out from his 18 month check-up that his iron level is on the low end of normal, so hopefully eating this spinach will help! :)

Not only does he love to sit in his chair, he loves to climb upon the big chairs. Within a 5 minute time period of me taking these pictures he climbed up on top of 3 of the chairs. He'll push them out, climb up, climb down, and then THANKFULLY push the chair back up.
First chair
Climbing up the second chair.
Pulling out the third chair.
Pushing third chair back up.
Just more fun times that make my heart smile. I am so thankful for my two boys that they are happy and healthy. On the days when I'm frustrated, tired and about to pull my hair out, I'm trying to just be thankful. Be thankful that my children are happy. Be thankful my children are very healthy. I am trying so hard not to sweat the small stuff. This is such a challenge for me. But, it is something I am working so hard on and praying hard about. My challenge for you today...find something to make your heart smile and something for which to be thankful.
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