Well, both boys decided that 6:30 was a great time to wake-up this morning. Actually, Connor told me that Blake woke him up which I am really surprised at. But, nonetheless three of us were up at 6:30 and had eaten breakfast by 7:15ish. Then I decided it was time to get my oven cleaned. It has needed it for some time, but I kept putting it off because of the nasty smell it puts out while it's doing it thing for 2 or 3 hours. But, I figured since it was nice outside I could just open the windows downstairs and I'd be fine. I think my peach cobbler exploding Thursday night was what made me decide I HAD to clean it this time. That was such a mess. So, about 7:30 I started that, what I anticipated, smelly job. It wasn't as bad this time around. The last time I did it it was in the dead of winter, the house stunk so bad I had to stop the cleaning process and the boys and I went to Aaron's office for a while as the smell went away. It was so cold outside I couldn't open all the windows. That was not a bright idea. So, I've learned cleaning the oven needs to be done when it is nice outside.
Then I got myself ready and Connor ready, put Blake down for what I thought would be an hour long nap and Connor and I went to "register" for birthday presents at the local toy store (I found out later that Blake ended up not sleeping while I was gone). That was lots of fun. He picked out much better stuff this time. Then back home for a quick lunch and then off to soccer for pictures and a game. Boy was it hot out there. Blake's hair was so wet by the time we left. Both boys had to have baths again. Then a short nap before we were off for birthday party #1 for the weekend. While the boys were napping I did some touch-up painting. The walls were in desperate need of a good touch-up job. I got about 1/2 of what I wanted done downstairs. I'll try to finish up downstairs and maybe the upstairs bonus room tomorrow.
The birthday party was at a local gymnastics studio. The kids had the best time, although they wouldn't let Blake out there. They said he had to be 3 years old. Thankfully he was fairly content at staying behind the wall and watching Connor. I wish I could have done the stuff they were doing. We just might do Connor's party there next year. I didn't realize they did parties there. But, it is a great location. I bet you can't guess what we did when we got home?!?! Yes, Connor rode and rode and rode his bike. While the boys were outside, I came in and cleaned up the stuff in the oven. Tomorrow is church and then yet another birthday party which happens to be at the church.
Loaded Tater Tot Cups
11 hours ago
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