Oh, Bro. Don would be so proud of the alliteraton wouldn't he?
Anyways, yesterday was a busy day for us. Blake and I dropped off Connor at Mother's Day Out and then headed over to do some shopping in hopes to find 3 things...shoes for Blake's Easter Outfit, something for Connor to wear Easter and something for me to wear Easter. After 2 hours of shopping and 5 stores later we had only gotten me a top to wear with a skirt for Sunday and a shirt for Connor to wear Sunday as well. If Blake and Connor were to be girls I would have been in and out of the stores in 15 minutes flat! Why, oh why, do designers not make more for boys??? There were so many cute things for girls along with a great selection of shoes but NOTHING for boys. I just wanted a basic vest and shirt for Connor and something similar to Stride Rites (we have 1 pair but I practically packed Blake's feet into them for his 1 year picture so I'm sure they won't fit now) for Blake. What I need is a Children's Place. That would have taken care of my problem but I didn't want to make a road trip out of it.
Well, back home for lunch and a nap and then back to the church to get Connor. Connor had a terrific day at school. They went to a local park for an Easter Egg Hunt. He had a great time. Apparently all the other kids ran faster than he and grabbed more eggs than they were suppose to because according to Connor he only ended up with 5 eggs and the teachers had to get 19 other eggs from other kids for him. (All kids were to get 24 eggs). I may need to check out this story.
Then off to the Y for swimming lessons. He was the only one in class yesterday so he did even more spectacular. His teacher, Amy, has not given him the option of a float belt this year which I am tickled about. So, he's doing even better. Amy said he is just like she was when she was his age. He can swim all day long under water but he just can't get the hang of it on top of the water. But, he's getting there. He did better with face in the water and then turning to the side to breathe. He has 11 more lessons before the beach. So, my goal is to always to have 2 or 3 sessions under our belt before the beach and we've accomplished that the past 3 years!!
Well, about 20 minutes into the lessons I started feeling sick. We finally got home, I put up the gate in the bonus room and shut the door so Blake couldn't escape and I collapsed on the couch until Aaron got home about 2 hours later. By the time he got home I was feeling pretty rough. I did have him go ahead and pick me up some Jersey Mike's (that I'd been craving for a while now) in hopes that I'd feel like eating eventually. I went on to bed around 6:00 just to seclude myself from everyone in case I was coming down with something. The sick stomach feeling went away so I went ahead and ate but then the chills hit. Aren't the chills just the most annoying thing? Finally around 8:00 (and of course just in the middle of my very favorite show...The Biggest Loser) I fell asleep but only to be woken up about 30 minutes later to Connor informing me he was putting pajamas on. At this point the chills were gone but the body aches had started. YUCK!!! I had Aaron bring up some Aleve, took that, finished the Biggest Loser and then back to sleep again. I slept so soundly which was not expected at all and woke up feeling pretty good this morning. What a blessing and answered prayer. Who knows, 12 hour bug, maybe?
So on to my last s, sorting. So, I decided I better start finding what hand-me-downs Blake had to wear for the Spring since he'll be needing them next week while he spends the week with Nana and Grandaddy. I've gone through 2 tubs of clothes so far looking for his size and found a lot but can't seem to find all of the swimming trunks that Connor had when he was 1. I've still got 2 or 3 more tubs to look through so maybe I'll come across them in those. But, he'll not need the swimming trunks for 2 more months so surely I can find them by then. Since the kids will be gone next week, I'm planning on dumping all the clothes out from all of the tubs and sorting according to size. They use to be all sorted but they sure aren't anymore. This should be very helpful to me and I need to get smaller sizes all sorted to hand on down to Tish for our newest little buddy arriving around July 27.
Okay, so this seems to be the longest blog ever. But, I had tons to say.
Chicken Bacon Ranch Baked Subs
49 minutes ago
I know what you mean about the boy clothes... I bought Tripp's sweater for Sunday from The Children's Place. I did not pick up any pants. Well, I went to find basic navy dress pants (he has outgrown everything from last year) and I can't find anything! UGh. There is plenty of girl clothes, but they are kinda smutty. I don't want Emma in sequins. I am still about smocked dresses :)
ReplyDeleteHave you checked Kohl's? They had some very cute ones although I'm sure there aren't any smocked ones.