Since I'll be leaving for the board meeting around supper time, I thought tonight would be a good crockpot night. Thankfully I had one more pork loin in the freezer, so I thew that in the crockpot a few minutes ago. I'll post a picture of that tomorrow along with the recipe. It is a recipe that I got from a friend from the Y. It is spectacular, and all four of us love it. In fact, before I started cooking it this morning I asked Aaron if he was tired of it yet because I think I've cooked it about 4 times in the past 4 or 5 weeks!
I've been trying to avoid the grocery store and just eat stuff out of the freezer. My freezer was so full and now it is starting to look pretty bare. So, I've been pretty successful. I haven't avoided the grocery store all together because with the two boys and Aaron we go through a ton of milk every week, my boys LOVE, LOVE their fruit and then of course bread and just odds and ends. But, no big grocery trip. In fact, I haven't done my gigantic monthly grocery shopping since January! I've just been able to run in and get a few things every week or so. But, after about another 4 days I'll have to make a huge Sam's trip to stock up on soups and meat. And, I'll have to break down and head to Wal-Mart or Kroger for other stuff too. But, I'm so glad to have gotten the freezer cleaned out.
Connor got his games and shows taken away Tuesday for being disobedient at Mother's Day Out. And, I have to say it has been very nice. He has a time limit every day, but I can see such a big difference in his attitude when he does get to play the Wii or watch TV. Can't really figure it out since he plays good games and watches good shows, but there is a difference. So, right now we've got the Contemporary Christian music TV channel on and I'm loving it!!! Connor always says the Devil won't come to our house if we have "Jesus music playing!"
I'll leave you today with a picture that I took yesterday afternoon. Connor was going down for a nap and Blake kept insisting that he was going to stay with Connor. I knew there was no way he'd actually lay down and fall asleep, which he didn't, but I did capture this precious picture that made my heart smile.
Welcome to Blogland! It is so addictive - I love your updates of the boys. They are precious.