So, I had thought my first blog after taking a month or so off would be about our trip to the beach. Well, that was the plan. But, after being unsuccessful at getting the pictures to download, I gave up for a few days. So, I'm going to blog on something else that I had planned on blogging about soon anyways.
It all started 8 months ago. I had been struggling with some weight that I really wanted to get off, but working out 4 times a week wasn't getting the job done. I was frustrated so say the least. One of my friends had been talking about this nutritional supplement company that her best friend (who I knew from church when we first moved here) had joined as a representative and had had amazing physical results from the products as well as financial success. So, I thought I'd give it a try in November. Well, things happened and I never got around to it. So, finally at the end of December I decided to go ahead and just do it this time.
So, Aaron, my friend Jill and I started using AdvoCare products. They started off with the AdvoCare cleanse and I did the full 24 Day Challenge which was the same 10 day cleanse Aaron and Jill were doing plus 14 days of the metabolic nutrition system. By the end of 24 days I was down several inches and 6 pounds. Now, that is what I was talking about!!! I had worked and worked to lose weight and nothing was happening and now the weight was finally coming off.
I continued the metabolic nutrition system (MNS) and now I'm down between 17 and 18 pounds and feel TERRIFIC!!! So, the beginning of May I started really thinking and praying about whether I should just go for it and become an advisor with AdvoCare. I met with my friend Casey one day for coffee (or frapaccino since this chic doesn't like coffee!) and she told me her and TJs AMAZING story with Advocare which included fully funding the adoption that they had just gone through and being able to give away her gym! I left there wanting to just do it but was a little nervous all at the same time. So, I came home and talked it over with Aaron. He was so supportive. It really only made since to do it. So, the next Monday I placed my first order of AdvoCare products and started inviting people to my mixer. It was such a huge success!!
So many people are looking for great nutrition products and AdvoCare has it. We have some of the best, well-known doctors that are on our SciMed board that work together to produce the best products for the best results. We have some very well-known non-paid endorsers that use the products and LOVE them. It is nothing more than great nutrition and good eating habits. No magic pill in a box. Just great nutrition. Once you get the great nutrition in your body that it needs, your body will respond. And, I am living proof of that!
I am so anxious to see what the next 90 days have in store for me. I want to build an amazing business and help people change their lives both physically and financially!!
Chicken Bacon Ranch Baked Subs
32 minutes ago
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