Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Family Fun Night

Last week, Connor's school hosted their first ever Family Fun Night (or named something close to that).  Basically, it was trying to get everyone to get out, have fun and be healthy!  It started with what they called a Cougar Crawl.  Everyone walked around the block together.  The kids all got pedometers and the parents walked along side the kids.  It was really pretty fun, and actually a pretty good distance.  Then we all made it into the school to some of the classrooms.  Various health-related local businesses set up various activities for tthe kids to do such as an eye doctor who checked their vision, YMCA did a strength test, hospital checked blood pressure, weight and height, hearing specialist checked hearing, etc. and the teachers set up and area with healthy snacks.  It was actually very neat.  We had a great time.  Here are some shots from the Cougar Crawl.

Sporting his special shirt for the night

Getting is pedometer in place

Connor and Blake playing soccer with the big kids...not
so sure the big kids really wanted them to join in
but they acted nice towards them.

Jumping rope

Blake begged to jump rope.  One of the teachers told him he could. 
He cried some serious tears when we told him we had to leave that area.

Seeing how many times he could step on the step. 
He had the highest number in that group!

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