So, it has been forever since I have blogged. I kept thinking I need to sit down and write a post, but I just kept thinking "Nothing has happened, there is nothing to say." Then as I kept thinking that I kept being reminded that every single day is special and a day to be treasured and enjoyed. If you look at anything more than my postings, you will see on the side-bar a picture of an adorable little girl named Lucy. No, I don't know this girl personally but found out about her through another blog that I read. Her story has completely touched me, and I find myself praying for her off and on through the day. Again, her story has brought me back to reality. I need to treasure every single moment...the hard times and the easy times. My hard times at this point don't even compare to what this precious little girl and her family are going through right now. My hard times would amount to Connor not being a good listener and getting a card pulled at school. We aren't dealing with cancer like Lucy. So, I've done a reality check and absoutely enjoying every single moment I have.
So, what is considered a "typical" day around here? Well, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday pretty much go like this:
Starting around 6:50
-- get up and ready for the Y
-- get Connor up
-- head downstairs and fix breakfast for the little guys
-- read devotion with Connor
-- send Aaron and Connor out the door for school/work
(Get Blake up and ready somewhere in there depending on when he wakes up)
-- leave for Y
-- home from Y, shower and ready for the day
-- spend 3 1/2 hours doing housework and playing with Blakey, reading to him, making lunch
-- pick up Connor from school
-- put both kids down for a nap
-- a little "down time" for a little bit
-- church (on Wednesday)
-- cook/eat/clean up supper (except for Wednesday--eat at church)
-- hangout with Aaron and kids playing
-- any additional housework
-- bathe kids
-- bed stories to both kids
-- kids to bed
-- hang out with Aaron
-- Jennifer to bed!!!
Tuesdays and Thursdays are pretty much the same except that I open the Y those mornings and my morning starts MUCH, MUCH earlier and Blake goes to Mother's Day Out on Tuesday. Saturdays and Sundays are usually family days at home and church. It is busy, but I enjoy every single minute. Blake and I have so much fun during the day together while Connor is at school. He is such a little sponge right now. He is learning so much, and I enjoy helping him to "sponge up" all of this information. We laugh all morning long. Connor has really taken off with his reading ability, so I get to enjoy being read to now. I'm just so proud.
So, beginning April 1st, I'm going to attempt to take pictuers EVERY SINGLE DAY and post something about that picture...because every day is special!!! Time is going so fast and our boys are getting so big, so fast. I want to remember every single moment (which I know is obviously not going to happen) or at least capture those every day, special moments in a picture. There will be a few extra-special posts because Connor will be starting up his swimmng lessons again the first week in April, running the final mile of a half-marathon for kids, a school zoo trip and taking part in a county-wide P.E. festival at the local university (which only 3 people in his class got chosen to take part in -- again... PROUD!!!).
There are so many heart-smiling moments around here, and I hope to be able to share more of them with you over the next month!!
Chicken Bacon Ranch Baked Subs
50 minutes ago
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