Well, my day did not go as planned. I figured today would be like any other Thursday morning...open Y, rush home and get ready for spin class at Y, get Blake ready, rush out door to Y, spin class for an hour and then back home. Well, when I got home from opening the Y Aaron yelled downstairs that I didn't need to rush around getting stuff ready downstairs because Connor was sick. What a surprise. When he went to bed last night he was perfect, no signs of sickness at all. According to Connor he had been awake since I left for the Y (at 4:25). His throat was hurting, head hurting off and on and sometimes felt like he was going to get sick. Aaron had given him tylenol by the time I got home, so his fever was starting to go down. He was showing signs of feeling better so I kept going back and forth as to whether or not get an appointment at the doctor's office. By 10:00, he was looking pretty rough again, so I decided I better to ahead and get him an appointment. They were completely booked with lots of sick kids. But, THANKFULLY, they said they would work me in whenever I thought I could be there.
Aaron had taken the car to a job site about an hour and a half from here with the carseats, so I had to wait until 1:00 to take him. Aaron left he iPad here so that Connor could play it while we waited at the doctor's office. When we got there, we went in and registered, got a pager and headed back out to the car to wait. Connor felt so bad that he didn't even want to play on the iPad!! He actually fell asleep in the car. I could not believe it. Well, once we finally got called back we found out he indeed has strep throat. I opted for him to get the shot instead of 10 days of medicine. He wasn't too thrilled but considering he'd be fever-free by morning and feel great too, I thought it would be worth it. He did great. He didn't cry but he did let out a pitiful little yell for about 3 seconds.
It is now 6:15 and he's been in bed since 3:30. I think I'll just let him sleep until he wakes up. If he isn't awake by 7:15 I might go wake him up to eat. I figure he needs his rest since he's been awake since around 4:00 am except for the short nap in the car. I just hate it when my kids are sick.
Loaded Tater Tot Cups
10 hours ago