Okay, I'll just be honest here. I HATE storms, especially if there are threats of tornadoes. I remember one year when I was teaching we had a tornado warning and kept hearing of where the tornado was touching down within miles of our school. The kids lived in the hall that day. Being a teacher, I had to keep my composure which was so hard when I was scared out of my mind! But, everything was just fine that day for all of us.
Well, today we were warned of threatening weather. It was a strange morning. Windy, but beautiful. I had a hair appointment and then several errands to run before getting the kids from MDO and school. I had a little time left before having to get Connor, so I ran home to do a little housework. Well, all of a sudden the cable TV started being interrupted by the local emergency network telling we had a tornado WARNING. Then I started hearing the tornado warning bells going off outside.
I started getting a little nervous but held it together pretty well. But, I couldn't really figure out what I was going to do. Connor was at school and Blake at Mothers Day Out at our church. There's one of me and two kids at different places that I want to be with at the same time. What do you do? Well, the school system actually made this decision for me. The school was on "lock-down" and would not release students until the warning was over. So, I headed for the church to be of assistance, if needed, to get all of the kids down to the basement. We sat and watch the local weather on the TV as all these little buddies just slept and slept.
Once the warning was over, I called the school to see if Connor would be released at the same time as usual. They said yes. So, I left Blake sleeping at the church and ran to get Connor. When I got there in my usual 2:00 line, a lady was there writing down names of the kids to bring out (they are usually lined up outside waiting for us), calling inside the school to get that child ready and then someone brings out several children at a time. The principal came up to my car to tell me they were keeping all of the kids at the bottom level of the school (lower than the location I pick up Connor) in a safe place. They did such a terrific job. So well organized.
I'm sure there were parents mad that their children weren't being released to them, but as a former teacher, I understand that there are rules and regulations put in place for these situations. They may not make sense to all parents, but they are there to keep the kids as safe as possible.
So, that was our excitement for the day. We're home safe and sound from all the nasty rain out there...although I am so glad to see some rain.
Chicken Bacon Ranch Baked Subs
31 minutes ago
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