Okay, I'll just be honest here. I HATE storms, especially if there are threats of tornadoes. I remember one year when I was teaching we had a tornado warning and kept hearing of where the tornado was touching down within miles of our school. The kids lived in the hall that day. Being a teacher, I had to keep my composure which was so hard when I was scared out of my mind! But, everything was just fine that day for all of us.
Well, today we were warned of threatening weather. It was a strange morning. Windy, but beautiful. I had a hair appointment and then several errands to run before getting the kids from MDO and school. I had a little time left before having to get Connor, so I ran home to do a little housework. Well, all of a sudden the cable TV started being interrupted by the local emergency network telling we had a tornado WARNING. Then I started hearing the tornado warning bells going off outside.
I started getting a little nervous but held it together pretty well. But, I couldn't really figure out what I was going to do. Connor was at school and Blake at Mothers Day Out at our church. There's one of me and two kids at different places that I want to be with at the same time. What do you do? Well, the school system actually made this decision for me. The school was on "lock-down" and would not release students until the warning was over. So, I headed for the church to be of assistance, if needed, to get all of the kids down to the basement. We sat and watch the local weather on the TV as all these little buddies just slept and slept.
Once the warning was over, I called the school to see if Connor would be released at the same time as usual. They said yes. So, I left Blake sleeping at the church and ran to get Connor. When I got there in my usual 2:00 line, a lady was there writing down names of the kids to bring out (they are usually lined up outside waiting for us), calling inside the school to get that child ready and then someone brings out several children at a time. The principal came up to my car to tell me they were keeping all of the kids at the bottom level of the school (lower than the location I pick up Connor) in a safe place. They did such a terrific job. So well organized.
I'm sure there were parents mad that their children weren't being released to them, but as a former teacher, I understand that there are rules and regulations put in place for these situations. They may not make sense to all parents, but they are there to keep the kids as safe as possible.
So, that was our excitement for the day. We're home safe and sound from all the nasty rain out there...although I am so glad to see some rain.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
2 Year Check-Up
Today we went for Blake's 2 year check-up. He's 27.5 pounds and 34 inches tall...just a smidgen under average. But, hey, Connor has always been around the 5th percentile, so Blake just might be a giant compared to Connor. We waited almost an hour before we saw the doctor. I am so thankful that Blake is easy going because he was no trouble at all waiting. He was so patient...unlike some of the other kids we saw there that were ready for that to be over! He did have to get 1 shot but did great. He cried a little more than with the flu shot, but after he got it he said "candy, candy!" because he knew the lady out front would give him a sucker and gummies. Boy does he have a good memory! He is fast asleep now. Hopefully he'll sleep good. But, I'm sure when he wakes up he'll remind me of his "boo boo and bambaid (band aid)". Just gotta love him!!!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Happy Birthday Blake!
How in the world is it possible for Blake to already be 2? While I was pregnant I kept having the thoughts, althought not verbalized until about 2 months before Blake was born, "How in the world will I love another child like I do Connor?" A girl from work told me she had the same thoughts and she told me "I don't know how you do love another child as much, but you just do." Boy was she right. I just love my two boys so much. Here are some shots from the past two years...

The past 2 years have been so great. Blake is the happiest, easy-going little guy. He talks up a storm, repeats EVERYTHING we say and can even tell you he's two now! He's very independent. He doesn't even want you to hold his hand walking down the stairs and does a great job getting down them without holding anything. He just amazes me every day at how fast he is growing up and learning so much about this world.
We'll be celebrating his birthday next week, so I'll post pictures then of his party.
We have been so blessed with two wonderful boys. I thank God every day for allowing us to raise these little boys. There's no way I could count all of the heart-smiling times we've had as parents.
Connor's first time to see Blake
I just LOVE this picture...
Christmas Card 2008
Beach 2009

Blake's 1st birthday party
2009 Christmas Card
He's a CLIMBER...
Beach 2010
Blake sits so good on the sidelines at Connor's soccer games and repeats "Go Connor, Go!" over and over. So super sweet!!
This boy LOVES to read books!!!
....and he LOVES his "raddits" (rabbits)
Gotta get your workout in. A little P90X with Daddy!!
The past 2 years have been so great. Blake is the happiest, easy-going little guy. He talks up a storm, repeats EVERYTHING we say and can even tell you he's two now! He's very independent. He doesn't even want you to hold his hand walking down the stairs and does a great job getting down them without holding anything. He just amazes me every day at how fast he is growing up and learning so much about this world.
We'll be celebrating his birthday next week, so I'll post pictures then of his party.
We have been so blessed with two wonderful boys. I thank God every day for allowing us to raise these little boys. There's no way I could count all of the heart-smiling times we've had as parents.
Friday, October 8, 2010
So Proud
I just had to show you a picture of what I find every morning when I go into Connor's room.
Isn't this terrific?!?!?! About two months ago we started a reward system that would last 31 days. We had a sheet with the days 1-31 listed. Every morning that Connor made his bed WITHOUT HAVING TO BE TOLD he could mark off a day. If it didn't get made, he had to start all over from day 1 (with 1 grace day). Once he finished he would be rewarded with a new Wii game. This was done in hopes that he would get in the habit and not have to be reminded to make his bed...AND IT WORKED!!! I honestly could not tell you the last time I had to remind him to make his bed. It is always done as soon as he wakes up.
I am a firm believer in children having responsibilities. Mine do not have a crazy number of things they have to do, but Connor does have to make his bed, pick up his clothes and put in laundry basket, put clean clothes up that have been placed outside his bedroom door, take his plate and cup to sink after a meal and pick up toys. For the most part, he is great about taking care of all of these things. It is a habit now. As he gets older, the list will lengthen by a couple more chores. But, for now, this works. At times he will complain, but I remind him that this house belongs to all of us and it is our responsibility to take care of it.
I'm just so proud of him.
Isn't this terrific?!?!?! About two months ago we started a reward system that would last 31 days. We had a sheet with the days 1-31 listed. Every morning that Connor made his bed WITHOUT HAVING TO BE TOLD he could mark off a day. If it didn't get made, he had to start all over from day 1 (with 1 grace day). Once he finished he would be rewarded with a new Wii game. This was done in hopes that he would get in the habit and not have to be reminded to make his bed...AND IT WORKED!!! I honestly could not tell you the last time I had to remind him to make his bed. It is always done as soon as he wakes up.
I am a firm believer in children having responsibilities. Mine do not have a crazy number of things they have to do, but Connor does have to make his bed, pick up his clothes and put in laundry basket, put clean clothes up that have been placed outside his bedroom door, take his plate and cup to sink after a meal and pick up toys. For the most part, he is great about taking care of all of these things. It is a habit now. As he gets older, the list will lengthen by a couple more chores. But, for now, this works. At times he will complain, but I remind him that this house belongs to all of us and it is our responsibility to take care of it.
I'm just so proud of him.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Disney on Ice -- Toy Story!!
This past weekend, Aaron, Connor and I along with our bestest friends, Aaron, Jill and Hayden, went to Nashville to watch Toy Story on Ice. It was so much fun!! We had taken Connor once before to see Disney's Cars on Ice just before Blake was born and had a terrific time. Connor had remembered it and had been anxious to see another show on ice.
We started off our trip with a lovely lunch at Red Robin. I love me a "Shroom burger! Then a quick trip into Target and then on to the show! Since the last show that we attended, Connor has said that the next time he went to see another show there he was going to buy a different sword. He bought a blue one the last time and knew exactly which one he wanted this time. He just didn't quite get it that all that stuff for sale doesn't stay there all the time and they just might not even have swords this time. Well, they did! So, we are now proud owners of a Buzz Lightyear Sword!
We started off our trip with a lovely lunch at Red Robin. I love me a "Shroom burger! Then a quick trip into Target and then on to the show! Since the last show that we attended, Connor has said that the next time he went to see another show there he was going to buy a different sword. He bought a blue one the last time and knew exactly which one he wanted this time. He just didn't quite get it that all that stuff for sale doesn't stay there all the time and they just might not even have swords this time. Well, they did! So, we are now proud owners of a Buzz Lightyear Sword!
The entrance of Buzz...flying through the air!
The buddies!
We had a terrific time. The boys and parents enjoyed the show. I'm so glad we are able to take Connor to see these shows.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Fall Break
Connor is on Fall Break for the next two weeks. I wasn't really sure what we were going to do for these two weeks, but so far we've stayed quite busy. On Monday, we went to the Y for an hour. Then we had been invited to go to a local play gym type thing with a friend. The gym had changed owners since the last time we had been there. So, it looked a lot different and was much more enjoyable for the kids. There was stuff there for both of my kids to do instead of it just being more fun for one and not the other. We were there for about 2 hours and the kids played hard!
Tuesday was also a busy day. I had appointments for both boys to get their flu shot. That actually went very well. They are both very brave little souls. Blake barely even cried...for 5 seconds. Connor didn't even utter a peep. He claims he didn't even feel it. After that we headed over for Connor to get a haircut. Boy was he getting shaggy. I just love going to the place where we get our haircuts. It is a family business and they just make us laugh and laugh the entire time we are there. And, of course, both boys were terrific. Connor always just sits up there like an adult...always has. Blake entertained us all. Then when Connor was finished, Blake just assumed it was his turn. He wanted up there too. Well, Anne had someone else to cut waiting for us, so she couldnt give him a haircut. So, she put him up in the chair and pretended for a few minutes to cut and even put gel in his hair. Thankfully, that made him happy. We made a quick trip to the grocery store and then home for lunch. The boys had been so super terrific that we decided to have a picnic upstairs for lunch on the mat.
We have also done a lot of coloring. Connor is apparently going through an "I love to color" phase. We have colored and colored...Connor and Blake, Connor and me, Connor and Aaron, Connor, Blake and me.
We finished up the day to a trip to Family Night at Chick-fil-a...kids eat free plus they always have fun activities for the kids!! Last night they had a big jump house outside for the kids to play in. And, of course a visit from the cow. I was so glad she showed up because that was what I kept hearing from Blake "Cow, five. Cow, five." He loves to give the cow a high five.
Wednesday has been the slowest day so far. The local YMCA was having a Family Boot Camp at 10:30, so Connor and I went to that. It was lots of fun. I hope he continues to enjoy being active and knowing the importance of regular exercise. Our usual activities at church tonight are canceled except for supper, so we'll go eat and then come home. Who knows what the rest of the week and next week will hold.
Lots of heart smiling moments this week!!!
First Field Trip
Last week Connor went on his first field trip. I am so thrilled that I was able to go with him. We went to a local pumpkin patch that has lots of activities for the kids. I wondered how in the world we were going to stay so busy from 9:00-1:30, but we did. Here are some shots from the day.
Hillbilly Slide. I have several pictures of Connor coming down this slide,
and he looks the exact same in every one of them...mouth wide open!
Duck Race
Corn Maze
One of the clues along the way to help us out of the maze.
Tire ride with friends
Playing in the corn
Cow Train ride
Milking the cow
Connor had a great time. And, we had the most perfect weather.
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