The first year flew by. We only celebrated your birthday at 3 different parties! HA!! Your first plane ride went so smoothly to Pennsylvania that passengers complimented on how well behaved you were. You enjoyed your first trip to the beach just days after your first birthday which involved your second plane trip. You were a pro by then. You just loved it. You visited Grandma at the nursing home and entertained many residents with your cuteness. You had picnics with Great-Grandma in the apartment on her bed. You were her little buddy.
The second year went even faster, although we did scale back the parties to only 2 instead of 3. You helped us move into our new house. I can remember you helping me to hang clothes up on the bottom shelf as you strained to reach up. We had 2 great-grandmother's die that year. I can remember you walking over to Great-Grandma's casket at the grave yard and blowing her a kiss. Priceless. Something I'll never forget. And, you were just 25 months old. And then 3 months later we experienced the same heart break. You knew you were suppose to be good and quiet. And, you did. You just sat there through the funeral being the best little guy ever. You moved into your big boy bed..bunk beds. You LOVED your new bed. We giggled as we told you you were going to have a little brother or sister and your response was "why?"
By the time year 3 came, you only had 1 birthday party. Don't worry, we'll never go to not having any parties as long as you want them. You started swimming lessons just before you turned 3. "What a little fish" all of the teachers would say. It didn't matter how cold the water was, your lips blue and teeth chattering, you didn't want to get out. You wanted to swim. You were so excited to go into the ultra sound room with us to see if you were going to have a little brother or little sister. From the beginning you wanted a sister and within a week or two of going for the ultra sound you changed your mind. Good thing because you found out you were going to have a brother! Every night we'd hear "How much wonger until Blake gets here? He's taking a wong time to get out!" Daddy and I left for the hospital very early. When you woke up you yelled down to Nana that "Blake is probably looking for me". Your face was priceless the first time you laid eyes on him. You were and are the best big brother ever!

Year 4. Yes, we had another party. Lots of fun with all your friends at our house playing outside with the most awesome R2D2 cake ever! Our annual beach trip was a blast again, of course. This year you didn't wear floaties or a float belt at all. You were the little swimmer ever. You just love the beach. If I don't keep a close eye on you, you and Nana might run away and go live at the beach together. We also decided it was time for a Disney World Trip. You were only a little over 39 inches tall. We really needed you to be 40 inches in order to ride a lot of the bigger kids rides including Splash Mountain. You made it!!! We had the best time. You and Blake were both the best kids at Disney World. I wouldn't change a thing about taking both of you at the ages that you were for anything. It was the best vacation ever. You started writing your letters and even started writing your own name just about 2 weeks before you turned 4. You were very eager to learn anything about anything. You've been ready for real school for some time now. You experienced your first sleep over this year and had a blast.
Now, we've had kindergarten shots, school registration is next week and kindergarten is just around the corner. I can't believe you are about to turn 5. The years have flown by just like everybody told me they would. We have had the best (almost) 5 years. We love you so much and counting having you in our family as one of the best things that has ever happened to us. We love you, Connor, so much!!!
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