Well, it happened overnight, or at least that's the way it feels. Connor has grown up and off to kindergarten he has gone. Thursday was his first day of kindergarten. It started off as a great morning. I got up and ready and then headed downstairs to make his chocolate chip muffins that he had requested. As I was about to head back upstairs to wake him up, down Connor came...dressed and all!!! It wasn't even 7:00 yet! He was so excited. We had a terrific morning until...Well, let's just start this way. Connor was dressed in a lime green polo shirt. I told him a couple of times to be extra careful with the chocolate chips that might get on his fingers. "Whatever you do, please don't get the chocolate chips on your shirt." If you know Connor at all, you might know that he is pretty much a great little guy. Very obedient most of the time. Can't complain. BUT, he has this little part of him that just HAS to push the limits sometimes. So, we're sitting there eating and I notice he's gotten melted chocolate on his finger. At the same time my mother-in-law try to say "Stop", Connor looks at me and then proceeds to wipe the chocolate right on his shirt! ON PURPOSE!!!! What a terrific way to start the day. I lost my cool for a minute. If it had been an accident, I'd have been a little bummed that his shirt was now dirty but he did it on purpose and admitted to doing it on purpose!! Thankfully the shorts he was wearing was plaid with almost every color in them, so when I was unsuccessful at getting the chocolate out, I just went and got a different color polo.
So, once Aaron was dressed and came down, we read our devotion and headed off to school. Here is a picture of us getting ready to leave the house.
He looked so big walking in to school.
Aaron and I were able to stay about 45 minutes with Connor as we did activities together. Five of his classmates came that day. When we first got there, he was allowed to pick a table with an activity while we waited for the principal to come on the intercom for announcements. Here is Connor working on the blocks.
Now painting his hand.
After the two activities, we went to the carpet for a song, story time and some sentence time. We had a great time with him. After we left, Connor said they read another story, had a fire drill, playtime and craft time. We picked him up at 12:00. He had a great time and wanted to know when he could go back. I hate to see him growing up so fast, but it was also very exciting to see him start a new chapter in his life.